Apologies in advance for the late updates.
This month was jam packed with soccer, teeth and soccer.
The exciting news is C finally got his two first bottom teeth! He is moving backwards with crawling but not quite forward yet. He is still chattering up a storm and is standing in his jumper. He does stand on his own so that is great news!!
L's soccer season has come to a close. She did fantastic this season! There was a big party at the end of the season which everyone had a blast at. L is very excited about being able to play in the fall as well.
May: Mother's Day!
Rachel was seriously hooked up this year for mothers day. With a complete jewelry set with both L and C's birthstones. Finally the 'push prizes!' As well as a mothers ring with both of their stones in it. She was rather expedited about all of that. Taylor's month however was full of field ops. with the MEU approaching rapidly there has been more training than Rachel cares for. Most of the month, save for weekends, Taylor was gone. Ah the military life. Oh yes the pools opened! Everyone is excited about that! There have been lots of trips to the pool and beach as it to hot to do much else.
C still has not started crawling which makes Rachel more wary by the minute. Taylor of course knows that he will crawl and walk in his own time. Most people, doctors included, have been saying that C will skip crawling all together. Of course Rachel is still not convinced. He is still babbling away and making life interesting for everyone. C did enjoy his first trip to the pool, he absolutely loves the water.
L is becoming more independent as the days roll by. She now wants to dress herself as well as picking out her own clothes. Usually Rachel lays out her clothes before she can attack the dressers. She is very excited to go to school this upcoming fall. That is if she gets in to the program. The public school system here only has 30 spots available for three year old for the preschool. Rachel has been badgering the selection board to see when we the acceptance letters will be sent out.
Rachel is still trying to figure out how to upload pictures from her phone with Google+ app. She cant seem to get them into the instant upload section. If you have any tips or advice all comments are welcome!
Until June!
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