Thursday, October 18, 2012


Hello all! Sorry for the neglect. Life has gotten way to busy and the poor blog was pushed to the wayside. So this will be an update From June 2012 until now September 2012. I hope all enjoy the overload of information!

July: Taylor surprised Rachel with a pool for her birthday a bit early this month. She was very excited about that! During the excitement of set up L had a bit if an accident. She was standing up swinging on her toddler swing. After the tenth plus time Rachel told her to sit down, L decided to listen. Unfortunately she fell backwards off the swing in the process. She put her elbow out to break her fall and ended up fracturing it in the process. This is a common break between 4-10 year old,  so L being a bit of a daredevil, got it a bit early. After cleaning her up and having her ice it for a bit the swelling did not go down so Rachel took her to the ER. After x-rays and some Tylenol with codeine L had a soft cast put on and, luckily an appointment before the fourth holiday for a hard cast. Her medication REALLY made her loopy, the nurses had a blast with her in the ER. And so did the other three year old with a broken wrist, it really was a crack up. 

With that the fourth was full of fun. The kids really enjoyed the fireworks, L was a bit uncomfortable but she made it, loopy and all. The local fireworks were splendid, despite the traffic it was well worth it! 

After the fourth Rachel's birthday was up, and her parents, brother Bryan and his girlfriend Nikki came down (for the first time ever) to surprise her! Rachel was thrilled about that! To top off the Birthday festivities Taylor asked the neighbor (Casey) to make a cake. Now Casey is a professional and Rachel's cake was SPECTACULAR!!!!! Rachel loved it sooooo much!

The rest of the month was just filled with repairing the dryer and L meeting her new home school Teacher. The Montessori was slacking, and Rachel and Taylor do not mess around with education. Since she is still on the waiting list for the local primary school the county offers a program called, 'Parents as Teachers' so L will be up to par and not behind when she does get accepted into the school. C also had an eventful month he stood alone, crawled, took his first step and said the word "why". Now Rachel chases him all over the house, C is a fast crawler. Now he loves to curse around all of the furniture and crawls ALL over the place. Rachel and Taylor are thrilled! They expect that walking will be right around the corner. 

August: This month was full of excitement for C's first birthday and the
 removal of L's cast! On the first L had her cast removed and she did so well. Taylor and Rachel were so proud of her for being brave. She was sad that she did not get to wear pretty colors anymore but glad to have her arm back. She said "Mommy my arm is there! It feels Weird!" After all that excitement Taylor and Rachel celebrated their anniversary on the 11th. It was a fun time away from the kids for both of them. To make it better C decided to throw some kisses a few days later!

On August 28, 2012 he turned one year old! Rachel's parents came down for a little party. Rachel and her mom made cupcakes; to Glenn and Rachel's dismay, Taylor hijacked the left over ones for work the next day. Oh well at least the guys enjoyed them (Rachel hoped they had hell for PT for it too!). C and L on the other hand had a fun filled time having blue icing all over their faces. L took no time to show C how to rip open presents, it was a whirlwind event

September: The biggest news this month is on Thursday the 13th C walked! Thanks to wonderful neighbors Rachel was able to be in the video with C! Taylor was at Ft. Picket for the majority of this month so he was unable to see Connor walk. 

Rachel did not tell anyone that he had walked, which was EXTREMELY hard to do. Not to mention that her parents stopped, in on their way home from Myrtle Beach, a few days later for a quick visit and to take L to Maryland for a week while Taylor was gone. Luckily C decided that crawling was better while they were there. C had his one year doctor appointment this month too so he is all up to date on shots and is healthy.
L is really enjoying her home schooling. She has done exceptionally well with recognizing her letters and numbers. She even recognizes her name now and knows her street name. Every time the family goes somewhere L is pointing out the letters she sees and the numbers. Rachel is thrilled about this, but L is now in the  question phase. "what is that" and "what does that do" This has presented it's difficulties  but if L is interested Taylor and Rachel are both on board.

We also we very happy that football season has started again! Both L and C enjoy watching the games!

Until October! Have a great Month! and GOOOOOO RAVENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!