Thursday, April 26, 2012


March.....Soccer Season!

Team Spurs!

Go # 2!!

Yes L played for the first time this spring!The deciding factor was the conversation that follows: While watching a commercial for a cheer leading movie, L: "Daddy shes pretty. I can do that too?" Taylor: "L would you like to play soccer instead?" L: "Um, OK Daddy. What's Soccer?" Taylor: "You get to kick a ball in a goal! Do you want to play?!" L: "YEAH!!! I get to kick!!" Thus the avoidance of cheer leading and father intervening has begun. She was on Team Spurs in the U-4 bracket! She was one of the two girls on the team! GO L!!!!! For her first time playing she did well. Like all toddlers she had her good and bad days but by the end of the season (April) we hope that we will have it down. She loves to play especially since she has a net and ball. Playing in the back yard is one of her favorite things to do. The best part is the games, she was a little timid at first not quite understanding what was going on, but the more she played the more, ah, aggressive, she got. It is the cutest thing to watch a bunch of three year old run after the ball. She says she wants to play in the fall, so we shall see.  All she wants to do now is play soccer!

At L's Soccer game
There was a short trip to Maryland and Virgina that we managed to sneak in. It was primarily to see Taylor's Grandfather. Since he was under his third round with cancer he decided to not fight it and let it run it's course. So it was up the road to spend some time with him before he took his turn for the worst. After a few days there the whole gang ran up to Maryland so Rachel could see her Grandmother. Things with Nanna are on a day to day basis as far as how she feels. On the good side she is doing better and has stayed out of the hospital for some time. She is on an oxygen tank at home. Not to fear Rachel;s mother and Aunts take turns with her. Primarily her Aunt Cheryl lives with her and Aunt Pam and Maya (Rachel's Mom) have Nanna stay with them ever few weeks. Rachel is happy about that, she is in high hopes that Nanna will make it another few years.

L's First Soccer Game!

Taylor you say? Well he and Rachel both are ecstatic! Taylor got his bonus!!! Unfortunately they file taxes in Maryland and they are a bit greedy so they owed for the first time EVER! but even taxes could not dampen the bonus! Now Rachel's car is completely paid off, and for the first time in a while no money is owed! Taylor is doing well at work, even thought they are working him to death. He goes in early to beat the horrendous base traffic and sometimes doesn't get home till eight at night. Luckily this will only be for a few weeks since there are lots of new guys coming to Taylor's battalion and company. He needless to say has a very full plate. Along with that Rachel and Taylor had decided to stop talking and do! For the longest time they kept talking about learning Italian and now they are officially going to do it! It may take a few years but it will be done! Rachel is determined on that one.

C in his bouncer

And the big news..... C is sitting up!!!!!!!! AND he said "Dada" for the first time!!!! Rachel was so excited when he did, sat up that is. He started off as any baby would with the boppi (U-shaped pillow) and then he just didn't need it any more. It was as if one day he just decided to sit on his own. He will be on the move in no time, which Rachel is hoping he stays stationary for just a bit longer, ha! As for talking, he was cooing and doing a sort of mumble of words, ba ga, but in Maryland he just said it. Rachel and Maya were changing his diaper while Taylor ran upstairs to get him some socks, he looked from Maya to Rachel and said "Dada." Luckily Taylor was on his way back down, and he took off thundering down the steps and swung around the corner. Rachel: "Taylor! Did you hear that!? Did you hear him say it?! He said Dada!" Taylor acting like he didn't just leap down a flight of steps in excitement calmly walks over to C picks him up and says, "Yes I did, my boy said Dada first! He knows who the man of the house is." For those of you that know Taylor well, you are all rolling right now, for those of you who don't, yes you can snicker. 

That was the month in a nut shell! Until April!

Rachel's First Tea Rose Bloom!!


L is 3!!

Our Valentine's Day sky

February is a month for a special little girl's Birthday!!!

Taylor right after he swore in again!!

February was a good month for the Jewell's. The beginning of it being with the celebration of Taylor's reenlistment  It was a nice way to start the month. As for Taylor he is working very hard and slowly but surely making his way to a promotion. He is strongly looking forward to his leave block this summer.

Blowing out her candles!!!

L clearly had a wonderful birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese with all of her friends.  She had a blast as well as all of the other kids that came. She got to go into the ticket blaster and ended up with the 'golden ticket' which was worth 1,000 tickets. All the kids even got to meet Chuck-E-Cheese! Leah got a crown with tokens in it and a medal for her birthday! It was a good time for everyone.

Rainy Saturday watching Transformers

C is also doing well, but growing way to fast. With him rolling over and on the verge of sitting up Rachel fears that her hand are going to become a bit more full. His teeth have yet to show up but the signs of teething are still coming on strong. Hopefully in the next few months he will have some. At least that is what Rachel is hoping for.

Our fantastic friends!

L and Rachel in the Ticket Blaster

Rachel is tired, for lack of a more descriptive word. Between running around with L and C she is a busy lady.

Until next month!